Staff Augmentation
How we can help

Exceptional impact starts with an exceptional team. At CONSTANT, we understand the importance of having the right team on hand to meet demands and support unique projects and programs. We provide demonstrated success identifying and onboarding qualified candidates to supplement an organization’s staffing. We take the time to understand each client’s needs and we leverage our relationships, extensive networks, and best-in-class applicant management systems to ensure that we find the right people for each position. Our staff augmentation program is designed to provide a workforce that aligns to the mission, capability, and culture of each organization – giving a unique advantage in sourcing and managing top performers.
CONSTANT provides both short-term and long-term staff augmentation services that spans niche technical staffing and surge support. We have filled highly specialized positions for federal agencies such as the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. We have also provided quick turnaround support for local and state Emergency Operations Centers.
Flag and disaster Policy
How we can help
Exceptional impact starts with an exceptional team. At CONSTANT, we understand the importance of having the right team on hand to support projects. We take the time to understand each client’s needs and we leverage our relationships, extensive networks, and best-in-class applicant management systems to ensure that we find the right people for each position. Our program is designed to provide a workforce that aligns to the mission, capability, and culture of each organization – giving a unique advantage in sourcing and managing top performers.
Statewide Medical and Health Preparedness Program
A State as large as California has complex requirements for healthcare preparedness. CONSTANT was engaged to successfully execute a multi-year effort to support the State of California in managing its annual statewide medical and health disaster exercise. The effort spanned multiple trainings, website design, video production, technical assistance, and outreach. CONSTANT brought fresh ideas on managing the complex threat landscape of California, broadening connections with healthcare partners, and evolving resilience capabilities to meet the challenges ahead.
CBRNE Readiness for Healthcare
CONSTANT is currently assessing local decontamination plans and jurisdictional CBRNE response capabilities for the Bay Area, California. This includes the design and conduct of a virtual workshop series to understand local government and partner agency operational capabilities, the development of a regional healthcare and hospital response Concept of Operations, and the creation of a purchasing plan to acquire identified necessary CBRNE equipment.
Client results
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We help companies stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.
Our Work
Award-Winning Staffing Services
Staffing is a crucial part of any organization’s operations and growth. It is essential to the health and success of all kinds of organizations. CONSTANT provides specialized staffing services across all levels of government and the private sector, positioning organizations with the right people to meet goals.
case study
COVID-19 Federal Staffing
CONSTANT provided two Operations Actions Officers to the Administration for Strategic and Response (ASPR) HHS Coordination Operations and Response Element (H-CORE) Vaccine Coordination Cell (VCC) as a subcontractor. These team members served as deputies to the VCC Lead to oversee medical countermeasure reporting requirements, which supported the VCC’s ability to stock and distribute vaccines expediently. CONSTANT’s team members contributed to ASPR’s mission to assist the country in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from public health emergencies.
case study
Exercise Planners
CONSTANT currently supports FEMA’s National Exercise Division with two programs, the National Exercise Program (NEP) and the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). CONSTANT provides exercise planners who support key readiness activities for NED that have focused heavily on pandemic response capability building, public/private sector partnerships, and continuity planning, with an emphasis on building business processes that strengthen resilience, improve situational awareness, and improve knowledge sharing among partners.
case study
Task Management
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Executive Secretariat provides all manners of direct support to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary, as well as related support to leadership and management across the Department. CONSTANT provides team members who offer a wide range of support, the most well-known being accurate and timely dissemination of information and written communications from throughout the Department and homeland security partners.