CONSTANT Leadership

Board of Advisors

Lydia Thomas, Ph.D

Board Member

Professional headshot of board member Lydia Thomas

Dr. Lydia Thomas is the former President and CEO of Noblis, a nonprofit organization working at all levels of government, in private industry, and with other nonprofits in areas essential to our nation's wellbeing, including healthcare, national and homeland security, and public safety. In this role, she was responsible for the general management and direction of the company's overall technical, financial, and administrative activities. In a former role at Noblis, she led its Center for Environment, Resources, and Space. For 20+ years, prior to Noblis, she worked with the MITRE Corporation in a series of technical and management positions related to energy, environment, health, and communications systems.

Dr. Thomas has also served the federal government, having been appointed to the President's Homeland Security Advisory Council by President Bush with continued service for President Obama and serving a three-year term on the Scientific Advisory Board of the U.S. DOD's Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and two-terms on the Environmental Advisory Board to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. She has also been appointed to multiple Commission roles with the State of Virginia and is a current or former board member for several publicly traded companies, institutions of higher education, and government associations. Dr. Thomas holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Cytology from Howard University.


Life at Mentor

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