CONSTANT's Senior Operations Team
Senior Associate Team
Jessica Driskill
Sr. Associate - Health Security and Healthcare Preparedness

Jessica Driskill is a public health professional with over 8 years of experience. She is a Senior Associate with CONSTANT, where she has led projects across levels of government. She has held leading roles for initiatives like the State of California's COVID-19 After Action Report. Prior to this role with CONSTANT, Jessica served for over 12 years in the public sector. She entered the emergency management arena as a Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Healthcare Coalition Coordinator with Butte County Public Health. She managed the Emergency Preparedness and Response Program, including the management of several grants. Jessica has responded to over 24 emergency activations, including the 2017 Oroville Spillway Evacuation, 2018 Camp Fire, and COVID-19. During the 2018 Camp Fire, she served as Incident Commander of Emergency Support Function 8, Public Health and Medical Services, for over 85 days. Jessica continues to protect against, respond to, and recover from natural disasters and public health threats.
She has served in leadership roles across the emergency management, public health, hospital, human resources, and fiscal sectors throughout her career. She is a skilled grant coordinator and experienced emergency manager.