

Read the latest news, trends, and resources – in all things emergency management, health security, healthcare preparedness, and emerging threats – authored by CONSTANT’s highly knowledgeable and experienced team members.

Tips for Hazard Mitigation Planning. Includes 1: Follow FEMA's Prescribed Planning Process, 2: Leverage the Plan Review Tool, and 3: Maximize the Plan Maintenance Process
Emergency Management

Best Practices for Developing Your Jurisdiction’s Hazard Mitigation Plan

Note: The following blog is an excerpt of a more extensive White Paper containing additional information. Please email should you be interested in receiving the White Paper.    Overview As disasters grow more frequent and severe, it is critical to have a robust plan to identify hazards, craft risk-reduction …

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Title image for blog post. Text reads "Building Resilient Communities: Manhattan Beach’s Approach to Hazard Mitigation Planning. CONSTANT team members Mona Bontty and Nicole Christensen interviewed Amanda MacLennan, Emergency Preparedness Administrator for Manhattan Beach, CA, about her experience working with CONSTANT to update the City’s LHMP. Read the blog to learn more about the HMP process under FEMA’s updated guidelines from the perspective of a local jurisdiction." Features CONSTANT's logo and an image of Amanda MacLennan within a blue circular background.
Emergency Management

Building Resilient Communities: Manhattan Beach’s Approach to Hazard Mitigation Planning

Manhattan Beach, California. Pier as seen from the Pacific Ocean. Credit: Adobe Stock CONSTANT’s Emergency Management Portfolio Lead, Mona Bontty, and Business Development Analyst, Nicole …

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Blog Human Resilience: How Emergency Managers Can Promote Disaster Behavioral Health
Emergency Management

Human Resilience: How Emergency Managers Can Promote Disaster Behavioral Health

Disasters have a profound impact on behavioral health. Disaster behavioral health services are a key component of emergency response and recovery, particularly as disasters increase …

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Blog Post - National Influenza Week: CONSTANT Promotes Nationwide Call to Action. Insights by Ali Leis, MPH. CONSTANT's Health Secuirty Sr. Associate.
Health Security

National Influenza Vaccination Week: CONSTANT Promotes Nationwide Call to Action

We join healthcare organizations across the U.S. to observe National Influenza Vaccination Week this week. National Influenza Vaccination Week is recognized to encourage those six …

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